This site was founded in march 1999. You can download there add ons and improvement files for HPS and John Tiller "Campaign Eckmuhl" Game.
You can also download files to help you design new scenarios, and get instructions on the way to make your own mods.

Please refer to the underneath statement for copyright, legal warnings and other instructions. Continuing in this site assumes you accept the legal conditions.

We are not responsible in any way to any damage that the files downloaded there could inflict to your computer, though these files are very simple in conception and use and should not cause any trouble. No nominative information will be kept about visitors of the site, and no spyware, cookies or else are used. If any problem occurs, please report it immediately to the webmaster.

Legal statement :

These unofficial pages are devoted to providing players of computer wargames :"Campaign Eckmuhl", "Campaign Wagram" "Napoleon's Russian Campaign" (HPS and John Tiller registered TM), with aditionnal scenarios and extensions, for a private and family use. Files in these pages cannot be modified or altered without the authors consent. They are not supported  in any way by their authors, HPS or Talonsoft. The author is not responsible for any damage to computers and softwares due to usage of files downloaded from this site. This site cannot be reproduced or modified in any way. Due to increased piracy, we don't allow anybody to copy or modify our files, or make them available in another site without our prior permission, due credit be given, and a link directed towards our site. You may not sell them in any way or include them in any commercial project.

Donations. Financial statement.

This site, as well as the downloads are totally free. If you want to donate in order to help with the cost of maintaining the site, this gives you no right or guaranty whatsoever.

Avertissement sur l'épilepsie :

Avertissement légal : « Certaines personnes sont susceptibles de faire des crises d'épilepsie ou d'avoir des pertes de conscience à la vue de certains types de lumières clignotantes ou d'éléments fréquents dans notre environnement quotidien.
Ces personnes s'exposent à des crises lorsqu'elles jouent à certains jeux vidéo. Ces phénomènes peuvent apparaître alors même que le sujet n'a pas d'antécédent médical ou n'a jamais été confronté à une crise d'épilepsie. Si vous avez déjà présenté des symptômes liés à l'épilepsie (crise ou perte de conscience) en présence de stimulation lumineuse, veuillez consultez votre médecin avant toute utilisation. En tout état de cause, veuillez respectez les règles suivantes lors de l'utilisation d'un jeu vidéo :
- évitez de jouer si vous êtes fatigué ou si vous manquez de sommeil;
- assurez-vous que vous jouez dans une pièce bien éclairée;
- en cours d'utilisation, faites des pauses de dix à quinze minutes toutes les heures. »


Q : May I have the passwords ?

A : eh eh eh

Q : What is different in cobexlaw add'ons from the original Talonsoft/HPS games ?

A : First of all : graphics. As you may have noticed, the whole environment has changed. The main change is of course in the units. Each regiment is, whenever possible, displayed, with its own distinctive colors. This is the main innovation since nearly 5 years now. Game parameters are also different. Artillery has different fire values, more gun types are present. Units quality values are standardized and are not different in every scenario to simulate historical behavior of a specific unit during a battle.




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